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柳 : Willow
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Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 木 (75) |
Usage Rating: | 1169 |
Unicode: | 067f3 |
jis208: | 44-88 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
柳 Usage examples
柳行李 | wicker trunk |
雪柳 | Thunberg spirea, Spirea thunbergii |
猫柳 | rosegold pussy willow (Salix gracilistyla) |
柳条 | willow twig |
柳葉魚 | shishamo smelt (Spirinchus lanceolatus) |
柳刃包丁 | kitchen knife for sashimi |
柳刃 | kitchen knife for sashimi |
花紅柳緑 | red blossoms and green willows, beautiful scenery of spring, natural beauty, beauty of nature |
桃紅柳緑 | beautiful scenery of spring |
柳暗花明 | red-light district |
柳巷花街 | red-light district, pleasure quarter |
柳緑花紅 | red blossoms and green willows, beautiful scenery of spring, natural beauty, beauty of nature |
柳科 | Salicaceae (plant family containing willows, poplars, aspens, etc.) |
柳樽 | box-shaped, lacquered liquor cask |
樺太柳葉魚 | capelin, caplin (Mallotus villosus) |
柳の下にいつも泥鰌はおらぬ 柳の下に何時も泥鰌は居らぬ | a fox is not taken twice in the same snare |
柳に雪折れなし 柳に雪折れ無し | the soft may prove more durable than the hard, willow trees never break under the weight of snow |