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回 : -times
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-times, round, game, revolve, counter for occurrences
まわ.る -まわ.る -まわ.り まわ.す -まわ.す まわ.し- -まわ.し もとお.る か.える
Strokes: | 6 |
Radical: | 囗 (31) |
Usage Rating: | 50 |
Unicode: | 056de |
jis208: | 18-83 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
回 Usage examples
田舎回り | (theatrical) provincial tour |
腰回り | measurement round the hips |
立ち回り 立回り | stroll (in Noh, an action piece involving circling the stage), walking around |
旅回り | touring |
礼回り | making the rounds to express thanks |
早手回し | early preparations |
こね回す 捏ね回す 捏回す | to knead, to mix, to complicate, to turn into a mess |
引き摺り回す 引きずり回す 引摺り回す | to drag around, to pull about, to lead around (by the nose) |
持って回る もって回る | to be roundabout (speech, actions, etc.), to be indirect |
差し回す 差回す | to send around (e.g. a car) |
繰り回す 繰回す | to roll over (debt) |
思い回す | to ponder, to recall |
酔いが回る | to get drunk, to become tipsy |
荒らし回る | to break into (houses here and there), to rampage |
浦回 | coastal indentations |
海馬回 | hippocampal gyrus |
回を重ねる | to advance (as of a baseball game), to repeat |
風の吹き回し | chance, stroke of luck, (curious) turn of events |
次の回 | next inning, next time |
西回り | west circuit |
反対に回る | to go into opposition |
回し読み | reading a book in turn |
回りくどい | circuitous, roundabout, indirect |
向こうに回して | in opposition to |
回折領域 | diffraction region |
回折損 | diffraction loss |
迂回路 | detour, diversion, alternative route |
受信回路 | receiving circuit |
旋回運動 | gyrating (rotating) movement |
逆回転 | spinning the opposite way, backspin (tennis, baseball), counter |
アンド回路 AND回路 | AND circuit |
オルニチン回路 | ornithine cycle |
クレブス回路 | Krebs cycle |
グリオキシル酸回路 | glyoxylate cycle |
ゲート回路 | gate circuit |
コペルニクス的転回 | Copernican revolution |
トリカルボン酸回路 | tricarboxylic acid cycle, TCA cycle |
パルス回路 | pulse circuit |
フリップフロップ回路 | flip-flop circuit |
ブリッジ回路 | bridge circuit |
演算回路 | operation circuit |
回帰分析 | regression analysis |
回生ブレーキ | regenerative brake |
回転異性体 | rotational isomer |
回転角 | angle of rotation |
回転計 | tachometer, revolution counter |
回転子 | rotor |
回転磁場 | rotating field |
回転窓 | pivoted window |