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癒 : Healing
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healing, cure, quench (thirst), wreak
い.える いや.す い.やす
Strokes: | 18 |
Radical: | 疒 (104) |
Usage Rating: | 1667 |
Unicode: | 07652 |
jis208: | 44-94 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
癒 Usage examples
病を癒す | to cure an illness, to cure a disease |
癒傷組織 | wound-healing tissue |
自然治癒 | self-healing, spontaneous recovery |
癒着体質 | tendency to form collusive ties, predisposition to generate cozy (collusive) relationships |
癒し系 | therapy, healing, rejuvenating, refreshing, soothing |
癒着胎盤 | placenta accreta |
癒着関係 | extremely close relationship, collusive relationship |