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輸 : Transport
transport, send, be inferior
Strokes: | 16 |
Radical: | 車 (159) |
Usage Rating: | 371 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
輸 Usage examples
振替輸送 | transfer (of passengers or freight) |
直輸 | direct import (export) |
輸銀 | import-export bank |
輸入盤 | foreign (imported) record |
貨物輸送 | freight traffic (transportation), freightage, shipment |
海上輸送路 | marine transportation routes |
長距離輸送 | long-distance transportation (transport, haulage) |
鉄道輸送 | rail transport (transportation, transit), transport by rail |
道路輸送 | road transport |
密輸船 | smuggler |
輸送機関 | (means of) transport |
輸送力 | carrying power, transportation (carrying) capacity |
輸入業者 | importer, import merchant (trader), importing firm |
輸入自由化 | liberalization of imports, liberalisation of imports |
プラント輸出 | export of manufacturing plant |
ターンキー方式輸出 | turnkey export |
ピギーバック輸送 | piggyback system |
ピストン輸送 | shuttle |
開発輸入 | develop-and-import formula |
対共産圏輸出統制委員会 | Coordination Committee on Multilateral Export Controls |
武器輸出禁止 | arms embargo |
輸出関連株 | export-related shares |
輸出主導型経済 | export-driven economy |
輸入量 | import volume |
輸送艦艇 | military transport vessel |
輸出額 | export value, value of exports |
輸入枠 | import ceiling |
輸入米 | imported rice |
輸入感染症 | infectious disease originating overseas entering the country through an infected traveller or goods |
輸入国 | importing country |
超音速輸送機 | supersonic transport, SST |