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優 : Tenderness
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tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness
やさ.しい すぐ.れる まさ.る
Strokes: | 17 |
Radical: | 人 (9) |
Usage Rating: | 334 |
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優 Usage examples
老優 | elderly or veteran actor |
優れて | exceedingly, conspicuously, by far |
全優の学生 | straight A student |
優るとも劣らない | not at all inferior to, rival or surpass, compare favorably (with) |
優るとも劣らぬ | not at all inferior to, rival or surpass, compare favorably (with) |
優しい声 | soft voice |
優弧 | superior (major) arc |
優勝を争う | to contend for victory |
優性形質 | dominant character |
伶優 | actor |
高優先 | high priority |
映画俳優 | movie (film, screen) actor or actress |
優勝決定戦 | deciding match (in a competition for a cup (pennant)) |
優勝候補 | favorite (top choice) for the championship (favourite), best bet for the title |
優勝戦 | championship tournament, finals |
優先事項 | priority matter |
優先席 | priority seat, courtesy seat, seat provided in trains, buses, etc. for the use of the disabled, young children, the elderly, pregnant women, etc. |
優良店 | store holding a special commendation (e.g. from the mayor) |
優駿 | fine horse |
税制優遇措置 | tax break |
幕内最高優勝 | tournament win in the highest division |
連続優勝 | consecutive tournament victories |
準優勝 | being the runner-up, finishing second |
初優勝 | first championship win (esp. sumo) |
優勝額 | portrait of a tournament winner |
個人優勝制度 | individual championship system |
優々閑々 優優閑閑 | composed and unhurried, easygoing and leisurely, in indolence |
逆転優勝 | upset victory, come-from-behind victory |
数的優勢 | superiority in number, numerical superiority |
端役女優 | bit-part actress, actress with a minor part |
心の優しい | kind, kind-hearted |
最優先 | maximum preference, maximum priority, priority handling |
地球に優しい | earth-friendly, ecological, sustainable |
競争優位 | competitive edge |
軍事的優位 | military superiority, military supremacy |
男性優位論者 | male chauvinist |
女性優位論者 | female chauvinist |
優先座席 | priority seating |