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融 : Dissolve
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dissolve, melt
と.ける と.かす
Strokes: | 16 |
Radical: | 虫 (142) |
Usage Rating: | 481 |
Unicode: | 0878d |
jis208: | 45-27 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
融 Usage examples
特融 | special loan |
融接 | fusion welding |
融熱 | heat of fusion |
融朗 | brightness, clearness |
不正融資 | fraudulent loans |
レーザー核融合 | laser nuclear fusion |
可融合金 | fusible alloy |
核融合反応 | nuclear fusion |
株式金融 | fund procurement by stock issue, stock collateral loan |
金融庁 | Financial Services Agency |
金融サービス | financial service |
金融システム | financial system |
金融リスク | financial risk |
金融改革 | financial reform |
金融街 | financial district |
金融活動作業部会 | Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering, FATF |
金融緩和 | monetary easing |
金融危機 | financial crisis |
金融詐欺 | financial fraud |
金融資産 | financial asset |
金融商品 | financial products, financial instruments |
金融当局 | financial authorities |
金融犯罪 | financial crime |
金融不安 | financial instability, financial uncertainty, financial turmoil, financial unrest, financial jitters |
金融崩壊 | financial collapse |
銀行融資 | bank loan |
国際金融市場 | international financial market |
事業再生融資 | debtor-in-possession financing |
小規模金融 | microfinance |
消費者金融 | consumer credit (finance, loan) |
超低金利金融政策 | ultra-loose monetary policy |
量的金融緩和 | quantitative easing |
炉心溶融 炉心熔融 | core meltdown, meltdown, nuclear reactor core meltdown |
金融機関離れ | disintermediation, removing money from banks, seeking non-bank funds sources |
サラリーマン金融 | consumer financing |
融和路線 | policy of reconciliation |
闇金融 ヤミ金融 | black-market lending, illegal loan |
金融担当大臣 | State Minister in Charge of Financial Affairs |
金融関係 | finance-related, financial |
金融引き締め 金融引締め | monetary tightening, credit squeeze, credit crunch |
金融政策 | monetary policy |
融雪ヒータ | snow melting heater |