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余 : Too much
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too much, myself, surplus, other, remainder
あま.る あま.り あま.す あんま.り
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 人 (9) |
Usage Rating: | 680 |
Unicode: | 04f59 |
jis208: | 45-30 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
余 Usage examples
余儀ない 余儀無い | unavoidable, inevitable |
余輩 | we |
窮余の策 | desperate measure |
刑余の人 | ex-convict |
知余って勇足らず | lacking boldness by being too sagacious, being too sagacious to be bold |
手に余る | to be unmanageable |
身に余る光栄 | undeserved honor (honour), too great an honour |
余白頁 | blank page |
余儀なく 余儀無く | unavoidably, necessarily, inevitably |
余剰人員 | excess personnel, redundant staff |
議論の余地 | room for argument |
政界余聞 | tidbits of political gossip |
読書三余 | winter, night, and rainy weather, the ideal conditions for reading |
立錐の余地 | room to breathe (usually in the negative as "no room to breathe") |
立錐の余地もない | tightly packed, full to capacity |
の余り | so much (something) as to (e.g. so moved as to cry), overwhelmed, carried away, because of too much |
窮余の一策 | desperate measure, last-ditch effort |
余所にする | to neglect, to slight, to be indifferent to |
余儀なくされる | to be forced to do something because one has no other choice |