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怪 : Suspicious
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suspicious, mystery, apparition
あや.しい あや.しむ
Strokes: | 8 |
Radical: | 心 (61) |
Usage Rating: | 1634 |
Unicode: | 0602a |
jis208: | 18-88 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
怪 Usage examples
物怪の幸い 勿怪の幸い | windfall, piece of good luck |
怪しい手つきで 怪しい手付きで | clumsily, with clumsy hands |
怪中の怪 | mystery of mysteries |
怪 | mystery, wonder |
怪我の功名 | fortunate error, lucky break, fluke |
醜怪 | monstrous, hideous, ugly, bizarre |
奇怪千万 | very strange (mysterious, weird), bizarre, monstrous, outrageous |
狐狸妖怪 | tricksters, deceivers, fey creatures, monsters, goblins |
怪力無双 | (a person of) unrivaled physical strength |
複雑奇怪 | complex and mysterious (bizarre), complicated and inscrutable |
大怪我 | serious injury |
怪気炎を上げる 怪気炎をあげる | to speak flamboyantly |
怪電話 | suspicious phone call |
雲行きが怪しい | the clouds look menacing |