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陽 : Sunshine
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sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime
あき あきら あけ はる ひろ やん よ
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 阜 (170) |
Usage Rating: | 1071 |
Unicode: | 0967d |
jis208: | 45-59 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
陽 Usage examples
太陽日 | solar day |
陰と陽 | the positive and the negative |
陰陽の理 | principle of duality |
太陽及び地球 | the sun and the earth |
太陽光 | sunlight |
太陽神経叢 | solar plexus |
太陽風 | solar wind |
アモルファス太陽電池 | amorphous solar cell |
グラム陽性菌 | gram-positive bacteria |
太陽エネルギー | solar energy, solar power |
陽電子放射断層撮影 | positron emission tomography, PET |
陽忍 | ninja working in the open, non-undercover ninja |
疑陽性 | pseudo-positive |
陽イオン | cation, positive ion |
陰陽五行 | the cosmic dual forces (yin and yang) and the five elements (metal, wood, water, fire and earth) in Chinese cosmology |
陰陽和合 | the harmony of yin and yang energies |
紫陽花科 | Hydrangeaceae, family comprising the hortensias (hydrangeas) |
陽神 | male god, male deity |
太陽フレア | solar flare |
陽極板 | positive plate, anode plate |
太陽電池パネル | solar panel |
斜陽産業 | sunset industry, declining industry |
太陰太陽暦 | lunisolar calendar |
陰陽暦 | lunisolar calendar |
山陽地方 | San-you region of western Honshu (incl. Okayama, Hiroshima, southern Yamaguchi and sometimes western Hyogo prefectures) |
洛陽の紙価を高める | to be highly-reputed and sell extremely well (of a printed literary work), to raise the price of paper in Luoyang |