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羅 : Gauze
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gauze, thin silk, Rome, arrange, spread out
Strokes: | 19 |
Radical: | 网 (122) |
Usage Rating: | 1831 |
Unicode: | 07f85 |
jis208: | 45-69 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
羅 Usage examples
多羅波蟹 | red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) |
倶梨伽羅紋紋 倶梨伽羅紋々 | tattoo |
雀羅 | sparrow net |
羅方位 | compass bearing |
羅北 | compass north |
羅葡日辞典 羅萄日辞典 | Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum, ac Iaponicum, (Latin- Portuguese-Japanese dictionary, pub. 1595) |
綾羅 | elaborated cloth, figured silk and thin silk |
羅刹 | rakshasa, man-eating demon in Hinduism and Buddhism |
羅漢柏 | hiba false arborvitae (species of cypress, Thujopsis dolabrata) |
門前雀羅 | (a house) looking deserted with few visitors |
六波羅蜜 | the six virtues (perfections) a Buddha elect practices to attain supreme enlightenment |
悪鬼羅刹 | man-eating fiend |
羅利粉灰 | being scattered in all directions, being broken up and dispersed |
沙羅 娑羅 | Japanese stewartia (Stewartia pseudocamellia), saul |
陀羅尼助 陀羅助 | traditional "Chinese" medicine for the stomach (usually prepared as small dark spherical pills) |
姫沙羅 | tall stewartia (Stewartia monadelpha), hime-syara stewartia |
羅馬 | Rome |
胎蔵界曼荼羅 | Garbhadhatu Mandala, Womb Realm Mandala |
両界曼荼羅 | Mandala of the Two Realms |
金剛界曼荼羅 | Vajradhatu Mandala, Diamond Realm Mandala |
羅鱶 | frilled shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus) |