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乱 : Riot
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riot, war, disorder, disturb
みだ.れる みだ.る みだ.す みだ おさ.める わた.る
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 乙 (5) |
Usage Rating: | 755 |
Unicode: | 04e71 |
jis208: | 45-80 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
乱 Usage examples
騒乱罪 | crime of rioting |
一糸乱れず | in perfect order |
散り乱れる | to be scattered around, to lie scattered |
乱れ飛ぶ | to fly wildly about |
応仁の乱 | Onin War (1467-1477) |
反乱を抑える 叛乱を抑える | to stifle a rebellion |
反乱を鎮める 叛乱を鎮める | to quell a rebellion |
乱編成ファイル | random file |
乱を起こす | to rise in rebellion |
混乱状態 | state of confusion |
快刀乱麻を断つ | to cut the Gordian knot |
乱菊 | pattern made from chrysanthemums with disordered petals, esp. used on family crests |
精神錯乱 | mental derangement, mental confusion, alienation |
騒乱状態 | state of rebellion |
薬物乱用 | drug abuse |
乱吹く | to blow snow violently |
狂喜乱舞 | boisterous dance, dancing wildly |
波乱曲折 | very involved and troublesome situation, complicated twists and turns |
風俗壊乱 | corruption of public morals, an offense against public morality |
乱筆乱文 | (my) poor writing, scribbling, hasty writing |
乱暴狼藉 | running amok (amuck), committing an outrage, rampageous behavior |
撹乱戦術 攪乱戦術 | disturbance tactics |
撹乱戦法 攪乱戦法 | disturbance strategy |
官紀紊乱 | laxity in official discipline, civil service corruption |
綱紀紊乱 | laxity in official discipline, public order being in disarray |
錯乱状態 | state of (mental) confusion (agitation) |
戦国乱世 | turbulent (troubled) times, turbulent war period |
乱離骨灰 | being scattered in all directions, being broken up and dispersed |
乱臣賊子 | rebellious (treacherous) subject, traitor |
乱売合戦 | price war, cutthroat competition |
乱脈経営 | chaotic (irresponsible) management of a company |
大混乱 | chaos, turmoil, pandemonium, havoc |
撹乱 攪乱 かく乱 | disturbance, perturbation, derangement |
乱 | revolt, rebellion, war |
朝鮮動乱 | Korean War (1950-1953) |
散乱反射 | scatter reflections |
平将門の乱 | Taira-no-Masakado Rebellion |