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裏 : Back
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back, amidst, in, reverse, inside, palm, sole, rear, lining, wrong side
Strokes: | 13 |
Radical: | 衤 (145) |
Usage Rating: | 812 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
裏 Usage examples
裏扉 | back leaf |
裏を返す | to visit the same prostitute or geisha for a second time, to turn the other way, to turn (something) over |
裏をかく 裏を掻く | to pierce something all the way through, to outsmart, to counterplot, to defeat |
衿裏 | lining of the collar |
成功裏 | (status of) successful completion, successful outcome, success |
頁の裏 ページの裏 | overleaf |
裏街道 | byroad, byway |
裏窓 | back window, rear window |
裏取引 裏取り引き | backroom deal |
秘密裏 | behind closed doors, behind-the-scenes, (under the veil of) secrecy |
裏漉し 裏ごし | strainer |
交際場裏 | social circles, arena of (fashionable) society |
大裏白の木 | malus tschonoskii, white angel |
裏工作 | dodgy dealings, monkey business |
裏面に続く | continued overleaf, please turn over, PTO |
裏を取る 裏をとる | to collect evidence |
足裏 | sole of the foot |
裏には裏がある 裏には裏が有る | there are wheels within wheels |
口裏を合わせる | to arrange beforehand to tell the same story, to get the stories straight |
裏番 | secret leader of a group of juvenile delinquents |
裏書禁止手形 | non-negotiable bill |