天頂距離 | the zenith distance |
垢離 | purification |
短距離離着陸機 | plane able to make short takeoffs and landings |
振り離す 振離す | to break free of |
離心率 | eccentricity |
厭離 | Buddhism depart from (in disdain) |
距離を開く | to open the distance |
光彩陸離 | dazzling, brilliant |
重液分離 | heavy media (liquid) separation |
つかず離れずの態度 付かず離れずの態度 即かず離れずの態度 | neutral attitude |
遠く離れて | at a long distance |
都会を離れる | to leave town |
離れ離れになる | to be dispersed, to get separated |
長距離依存 | long-distance dependency (dependencies) |
距離感 | sense of distance (physical or emotional), feeling of distance |
最短距離 | shortest distance (to) |
焦点距離 | focal length (distance) |
長距離電話 | long-distance call, trunk call |
長距離飛行 | long(-range) flight |
長距離輸送 | long-distance transportation (transport, haulage) |
長距離列車 | long-distance train |
分離派 | separatists, secessionists |
離婚率 | divorce rate |
解離熱 | heat of dissociation |
角距離 | angular distance |
隔離説 | isolation theory |
隔離病舎 | isolation ward |
隔離命令 | isolation order |
長距離電話会社 | long-distance telephone company |
離席中 | currently away from my seat (keyboard, etc.), AFK |
人種隔離 | racial segregation, apartheid |
離れ | detached (dwelling, room), loss of interest in, independence of, distancing (of oneself) from, disillusionment with, alienation from (something) |
親離れ | independence from parents |
活字離れ | aliteracy, loss of interest in or shift away from reading (especially serious) books or literature |
客離れ | customers losing interest in product or shop |
金融機関離れ | disintermediation, removing money from banks, seeking non-bank funds sources |
素人離れ | amateur as good as a professional |
時代離れ | not up with the times, out of touch |
浮き世離れ 浮世離れ | unworldly, other-worldly, free from worldliness |
政治離れ | disillusionment with politics |
光解離 | photodissociation, photo-dissociation |
遠距離恋愛 | long distance relationship |
離散的 | discrete, separate |
会者定離 | those who meet must part (suggesting the transient nature of this life), we meet only to part |
相即不離 | strongly attached to each other, inseparable |
厭離穢土 | abhorrence of (living in) this impure world |
祭政分離 | separation of church and state, separation of religious ritual and government administration |
神仏分離 | separation of Buddhism and Shintoism (government policy during the beginning of the Meiji period) |
成田離婚 | Narita divorce, divorce case of a newlywed couple breaking up upon their return to Narita Airport from their honeymoon abroad |
幽体離脱 | out-of-body experience |
乱離骨灰 | being scattered in all directions, being broken up and dispersed |