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陸 : Land
land, six
くが たち みち む むつ
Strokes: | 11 |
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Usage Rating: | 736 |
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陸 Usage examples
短距離離着陸機 | plane able to make short takeoffs and landings |
一等陸士 1等陸士 | private first-class |
光彩陸離 | dazzling, brilliant |
揚陸料 | landing charge |
陸岸 | land, shore |
陸軍大臣 | Army Minister, Minister of War |
陸大 | Military Staff College |
陸兵 | land troops |
陸を行く | to travel overland, to go by land |
陸上端局装置 | land terminal equipment (of a submarine cable) |
亜大陸 | subcontinent |
上陸作戦 | landing operations |
中国大陸 | continent of China |
陸海空軍 | land, sea and air forces |
馬陸 | millipede |
陸海軍 | army and navy |
アジア大陸 | Asian Continent |
アフリカ大陸 | African Continent |
アメリカ大陸 | American continent, the Americas |
安定陸塊 | stable land-mass |
海陸風 | land and sea breeze |
大陸国家 | continental state (e.g. Australia) |
世界陸上 | World Championships in Athletics |
夜間着陸訓練 | night landing practice, NLP |
陸軍特殊部隊 | Delta Force (US) |
陸連 | track-and-field association, athletics association |
常陸梅 | era during early 1900s dominated by the grand champions Hitachiyama and Umegatani II |
常陸梅時代 | era during early 1900s dominated by the grand champions Hitachiyama and Umegatani II |
陸軍大佐 | army colonel |
大陸浪人 | prewar Japanese adventurer (political activist) in mainland China |
大陸狼 | (European) gray wolf (carnivore, Canis lupus lupus), grey wolf |
大日本帝国陸軍 | the Imperial Japanese Army |
インド亜大陸 | Indian subcontinent |
大陸法 | civil law, continental law |
月面着陸 | moon landing |
欧亜大陸 | Eurasia, Eurasian Continent |