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率 : Ratio
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ratio, rate, proportion, %, coefficient, factor
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Radical: | 玄 (95) |
Usage Rating: | 383 |
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率 Usage examples
欠勤率 | absentee rate |
離心率 | eccentricity |
預貸率 | loan-deposit ratio |
一軍を率いて | at the head of an army |
軽率な挙 | rash act |
損率 | loss factor |
率を定める | to fix the rate |
ビット誤り率 | bit error rate, BER |
統率束縛理論 | government-binding theory |
統率理論 | government theory |
ソルベン率 | solvency ratio |
出塁率 | on-base percentage |
圧縮効率 | compression efficiency |
課税率 | tax rate |
開票率 | percentage of votes counted so far |
含有率 | content by percentage |
競争率 | ratio of successful (applicants) to total applicants |
合格率 | ratio of successful applicants, (examination) pass rate |
自給率 | (the degree of) self-sufficiency (e.g. in oil) |
収益率 | earning rate, rate of return, price-earnings ratio, profitability, profit margin |
就職率 | employment rate |
成功率 | success rate |
正答率 | percentage of correct answers |
生存率 | survival rate |
占有率 | occupancy (rate), share (e.g. of market) |
増加率 | rate of increase |
的中率 | hitting ratio |
統率力 | leadership, generalship |
熱伝導率 | thermal conductivity |
命中率 | accuracy rate |
離婚率 | divorce rate |
罹患率 | disease rate, infection rate, morbidity rate |
減衰率 | attenuation (factor, rate) |
直間比率 | ratio of direct to indirect taxes |
モル分率 | molar fraction |
確率分布 | probability distribution |
株価収益率 | price-earnings ratio, PER |
エネルギー効率 | energy efficiency |
株式交換率 | stock exchange percentage |
株主資本利益率 | return on equity, ROE |
感染率 | infection rate |
高視聴率 | high television ratings |
合併比率 | merger ratio |
資本比率 | capital ratio |
自己資本比率 | capital adequacy ratio, capital-to-asset ratio |
実質経済成長率 | real economic growth rate |
収益成長率 | revenue growth rate |
総資本利益率 | return on assets, ROA |
体脂肪率 | body fat percentage |
内閣支持率 | cabinet support rate |
能率給方式 | merit system |
犯罪率 | crime rate |
不支持率 | disapproval rating |
負債比率 | debt ratio |
名目経済成長率 | nominal economic growth rate |
預金利率 | deposit interest rate |
幼児死亡率 | infant mortality rate |
透過率 | transmittance, permeability |
短慮軽率 | impulsive and imprudent, rash and unthinking |