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改 : Reformation
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reformation, change, modify, mend, renew, examine, inspect, search
あらた.める あらた.まる
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 己 (49) |
Usage Rating: | 147 |
Unicode: | 06539 |
jis208: | 18-94 |
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改 Usage examples
過ちを改める | to correct a fault |
改まった | ceremonious, formal |
改革を叫ぶ | to cry loudly for a reform |
切符を改める | to examine tickets |
行を改める | to start a new paragraph |
稿を改める | to rewrite a manuscript |
章を改める | to begin a new chapter |
版を改める | to revise an edition |
組織改革 | organizational change, organisational change, organizational reform |
改札係 | ticket examiner (collector, inspector) (in a railroad station) |
改宗者 | convert (e.g. to Buddhism) |
改修工事 | repair work |
改造車 | remodeled car, remodelled car, hot rod |
改良品 | improved product |
教育改革 | educational reform |
自動改札機 | automatic turnstile (ticket gate) |
車内改札 | inspection of tickets in the car (carriage) |
待遇改善 | improvement of labor conditions (labour) |
法改正 | change in the law, legal reform |
改革派教会 | Reformed Churches |
改革派 | reformist |
改正法 | revised law |
業務改善命令 | business improvement order |
金融改革 | financial reform |
銀行改革 | banking reform |
契約更改 | contract renewal |
景気改善策 | economy recovery plan |
構造改革 | structural reform, restructuring |
構造改革論 | structural reform theory |
司法改革 | judicial reform |
内閣改造 | cabinet reshuffle, cabinet shake-up |
民主改革 | democratic reform |
大化改新 大化の改新 | Taika Reform of 645CE |
改 | revision |
改め | former (e.g. name), previous, changed |
改善点 | points needing improvement, problem areas |
創氏改名 | the order forced on Koreans to change their names to Japanese ones |
改案 | revision, modified plan |
増改築 | extension and structural alteration of building |
改む | to revise, to change |
規制改革担当大臣 | State Minister in Charge of Regulatory Reform |
規制改革 | regulatory reform |
日を改めて | another day, some other day |
享保の改革 | Kyouhou Reforms, economic reforms introduced in 1736 |
増補改訂 | revising (and supplementing) |
増補改訂版 | enlarged and revised edition |
身体改造 | body modification |
関係改善 | improvement of relations, rapprochement |
改良型 | variant (of a pathogen) |