亢竜 | dragon which has already ascended to the heavens |
竜虎の争い | well-matched contest, fight between a dragon and a tiger |
軽竜騏兵 | (Royal) light cavalry |
鎧竜 | ankylosaur (any dinosaur of infraorder Ankylosauria) |
剣竜 | stegosaur (any dinosaur of infraorder Stegosauria) |
三角竜 | triceratops (dinosaur) |
翼竜 | pterosaur |
雷竜 | brontosaurus, apatosaurus (dinosaur) |
覇王竜 | Tyrannosaurus rex |
守護竜 | guardian dragon |
臥竜鳳雛 | gifted young person who shows much promise, unrecognized genius, great person whose talent is hidden under a bushel |
伏竜鳳雛 | gifted young person who shows much promise, unrecognized genius, great person whose talent is hidden under a bushel |
竜骨弁 | keel petal (type of flower) |
竜舎 | ryusha (spherical or egg-shaped part near the top of a pagoda finial) |
首長竜 | plesiosaur |