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旅 : Trip
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旅 Usage examples
旅支度 | preparations for a journey |
旅日記 | travel diary |
旅心 | desire to travel |
旅行先 | destination |
旅行家 | traveller, traveler |
旅回り | touring |
旅住い | place one stays when traveling (travelling) |
旅役者 | itinerant entertainer or troupe |
旅芸人 | itinerant entertainer |
旅券査証 | visa |
旅の空 | away from home, while travelling |
旅枕 | sleeping away from home |
旅所 | place where the sacred palanquin is lodged during a festival |
旅疲れ | weary from traveling (travelling) |
旅がらす 旅烏 旅鴉 | outsider, stranger, vagrant, vagabond |
旅僧 | traveling priest, travelling priest |
旅寝 | sleeping away from home, overnight stay when traveling |
旅稼ぎ | working away from home |
旅興行 | touring show |
旅館業 | the hotel business |
旅籠 | inn (originally a basket of woven bamboo in which travellers carried food) (travelers) |
旅慣れる 旅馴れる | to be accustomed to traveling (travelling) |
旅する | to travel, to take a trip |
逆旅 | inn |
旅行疲れ | fatigue from traveling (travelling) |
旅次 | hotel, inn |
旅装を調える | to prepare for a journey |
旅亭 | hotel, inn |
慰安旅行 | pleasure trip, company (office) trip |
演奏旅行 | concert (playing) tour |
外国旅行 | foreign travel, overseas trip |
観光旅行 | (sightseeing) tour |
自転車旅行 | bicycle trip, cycling tour |
出張旅費 | travel expenses, travel(ing) allowance |
世界一周旅行 | round-the-world trip, world cruise |
旅客列車 | passenger train |
旅行鞄 | traveling bag, travelling bag, suitcase |
旅行業者 | travel agent |
旅行日程 | itinerary |
海外旅行生命保険 | overseas travel life insurance |
空挺旅団 | Airborne Brigade |
旅行保険 | travel insurance |
旅客船 | passenger ship |
旅衣 | travel clothes |
空の旅 | air travel, air trip |
協会旅費 | travel allowance paid to salaried wrestlers for tournaments held outside Tokyo |
旅行会社 | travel agent, travel agency |
遊説旅行 | stumping (electioneering) tour |
かわいい子には旅をさせよ 可愛い子には旅をさせよ | Spare the rod and spoil the child, If you love your children, send them out into the world |
死出の旅 | the journey to the other world, death |
旧婚旅行 | second honeymoon |