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量 : Quantity
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quantity, measure, weight, amount, consider, estimate, surmise
Strokes: | 12 |
Usage Rating: | 469 |
Unicode: | 091cf |
jis208: | 46-44 |
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量 Usage examples
熱容量 | heat capacity |
熱量計 | calorimeter |
埋蔵量 | deposits, reserves |
流量計 | flow meter (liquid), current meter (electricity) |
降雪量 | amount of snowfall |
量り込む | to measure liberally |
較量 | comparison |
量が増える | to gain in quantity |
量より質 | quality before quantity |
単位体積重量 | unit weight |
反射減衰量 | return loss |
分散補償量計算シート | dispersion compensation calculation sheet |
情報量が多い | having high information content, informative |
連量 | weight of 1000 sheets of paper, ream weight |
キロ連量 | weight of 1000 sheets of paper, ream weight |
坪量 | paper weight in grams per square metre |
メートル坪量 | paper weight in gsm |
漁獲量 | haul (catch) (of fish) |
軽量級 | lightweight class |
仕事量 | amount of work (to be) done by one |
自由裁量権 | discretionary power |
質量数 | mass number |
重量級 | heavyweight class |
測量器 | surveying instrument |
測量士 | registered surveyor |
貯水量 | volume of water kept in store |
不変量 | constant, invariable |
量記号 | quantifier |
量販店 | mass marketer, emporium, volume retailer |
ロボット雨量計 | robot rain gauge |
運動量保存の法則 | law of conservation of momentum |
化学的酸素要求量 | chemical oxygen demand, COD |
化学当量 | chemical equivalent |
貨幣数量説 | quantity theory of money |
角測量 | angle measurement |
核兵器保有量 | nuclear arsenal |
核保有量 | nuclear stockpile |
緊急時環境線量情報予測システム | System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information, SPEEDI |
裁量所得 | discretionary income |
自動車重量税 | automobile weight tax |
純生産量 | net product, net production |
生産量 | production output, amount of goods manufactured |
線量計 | dosimeter |
大量虐殺 | massacre, genocide |
大量殺人 | mass killing, mass murder, bloodbath |
大量出血 | hemorrhaging |
大量伝達 | mass communication |
量的緩和 | quantitative easing |
量的金融緩和 | quantitative easing |
賦存量 | abundance |
裁量労働 | discretionary work (labour, labor) |
裁量労働制 | flexible work hours, flexi-time |
輸入量 | import volume |
自由裁量 | latitude, discretionary powers, a free hand |
無量無辺 | immense and limitless |
重量トン | deadweight ton, deadweight tonnage |
投薬量 | dosage, dose |
定量的 | quantitative |
運動量空間 | momentum space (quantum mechanics) |
作業量 | workload, quantity of work, work rate, units produced |