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隣 : Neighboring
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Strokes: | 16 |
Radical: | 阜 (170) |
Usage Rating: | 1083 |
Unicode: | 096a3 |
jis208: | 46-57 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
隣 Usage examples
隣り合わせる | to adjoin |
一軒置いて隣 | next door but one |
善隣関係 | good neighborly relations, good neighbourly relations |
善隣政策 | Good Neighbor Policy |
隣接県 | neighboring prefecture, neighbouring prefecture |
隣接した | adjoining, neighboring, neighbouring, adjacent |
隣町 | neighboring (adjacent) town, neighbouring town |
近隣公害 | (noise, smell, air, water) pollution in the neighborhood |
善隣外交 | good-neighbor diplomacy, a good-neighbor policy |
天涯比隣 | a great distance does not detract from the feeling (relationship) of endearment |