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冷 : Cool
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cool, cold (beer, person), chill
つめ.たい ひ.える ひ.や ひ.ややか ひ.やす ひ.やかす さ.める さ.ます
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 冫 (15) |
Usage Rating: | 667 |
Unicode: | 051b7 |
jis208: | 46-68 |
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冷 Usage examples
冷めやらぬ 冷め遣らぬ | lingering (usu. feeling, emotion, etc.), continuing (to), still (...) |
冷涼 | coolness |
寒冷地 | cold district, northern district |
肝を冷やす きもを冷やす | to be struck with terror, to be terrified, to be scared to death |
興を冷ます | to be a wet-blanket |
冷たい戦争 | cold war, the Cold War |
冷やし中華 冷し中華 | chilled Chinese noodles |
冷ややかな態度 | cold attitude |
電気冷蔵庫 | electric refrigerator, fridge |
冷却液 | coolant |
冷却水 | coolant |
冷蔵室 | cold room, refrigerated room |
冷凍機 冷凍器 | refrigerator, freezer |
冷凍室 | freezing compartment, freezer |
急冷 | rapid cooling |
冷暗所 | cool dark place |
冷暖房 | air-conditioning, heating and cooling |
冷麺 | cold Chinese noodles accompanied by soup for dipping |
ガス冷却炉 | gas-cooled reactor |
リービヒ冷却器 | Liebig condenser |
一次冷却水 | primary cooling water |
過冷却 | excessive cooling, supercooling |
寒冷高気圧 | cold anticyclon |
緊急炉心冷却装置 | emergency core cooling system, ECCS |
冷媒 | refrigerant, coolant |
沈着冷静 | calm, cool, and collected, level and calm |
冷汗三斗 | breaking into cold sweat when one is very embarrassed or scared |
冷酷無情 | cruel and heartless, merciless, implacable |
冷酷無惨 冷酷無残 冷酷無慚 冷酷無慙 | cruel and heartless, merciless, implacable, cold-blooded |
残忍冷酷 | atrocious and cold-blooded, cruel, brutal, merciless |
冷静沈着 | calm, cool, and collected, level and calm |
冷淡無情 | cold-hearted, callous, pitiless, unsympathetic |
冷やり | alarm, shock |
政冷経熱 | cold political relations but hot economical relations (often said about China-Japan relations) |
夕冷え | evening chill, cool of the evening |
冷や飯草履 | crudely made zori with straw fastenings |
新冷戦 | new Cold war |
冷や飯を食う | to be treated coldly, to be kept in a low position |
冷房設備 | cooling facilities, air-conditioning facilities |
冷凍保存 | cold storage, deep freeze, cryopreservation |
冷戦終結 | the end of the Cold War |