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列 : File
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file, row, rank, tier, column
Strokes: | 6 |
Radical: | 刂 (18) |
Usage Rating: | 927 |
Unicode: | 05217 |
jis208: | 46-83 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
列 Usage examples
陳列室 | showroom |
陳列窓 | display window |
陳列棚 | display case |
陣列 | battle formation |
葬の列 | funeral procession |
同列に論じる | to discuss in the same terms, to treat equally |
列寧 | Lenin |
列を作る | to form a line (row) |
属性値行列 | attribute-value matrix, AVM |
急行列車 | express train |
寝台列車 | sleeper train |
弾丸列車 | very fast train, bullet train |
長距離列車 | long-distance train |
通勤列車 | commuter train |
分列行進 | marching in file |
旅客列車 | passenger train |
最後列 | (very) back (last) row, rearmost row |
アクチニウム系列 | actinium series, Actinides |
ウラン系列 | uranium series |
阿列布油 | olive oil |
スペクトル系列 | spectral series |
トリウム系列 | thorium series |
位相配列レーダー | phased-array radar |
陳列品 | exhibit, articles on display, showpiece |
横列 | rank (e.g. of soldiers) |
戦列復帰 | return to the battle line, come back to the game (on to the field), a comeback |
縦列駐車 | parallel parking |
お召し列車 御召列車 | Imperial train, royal train |
琉球列島 | Ryukyu Islands |
陳列台 | display stand, exhibition table |
検索文字列 | search string |
特急列車 | limited express train |
夜行列車 | night train |
系列子会社 | keiretsu subsidiary |
並列助詞 | parallel marker (particle used to join two or more words, i.e. "to", "ya") |
塩基配列 | base sequence (e.g. of DNA) |
虎列剌茸 | Galerina fasciculata (poisonous mushroom) |
虎列剌 | cholera |