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論 : Argument
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論 Usage examples
経験論 | empiricism |
談論 | discussion |
談論風発 | spirited discussion |
攘夷論 | (late Edo-period) principle of excluding foreigners |
軟論 | weak argument |
漢字制限論 | the question of limiting the use of Chinese characters |
強硬論 | hard line |
議論の末に | after a heated discussion |
議論を戦わす | to have a discussion |
結論を下す | to draw a conclusion |
芸術論 | essay on art |
国防論 | the question of national defense (defence) |
時事論 | comments on current events |
同列に論じる | to discuss in the same terms, to treat equally |
日猶同祖論 日ユ同祖論 | hypothesis that Jews and Japanese are of common ancestry |
論陣を張る | to take a firm stand, to argue about |
論孟 | The Confucian Analects and the Discourses of Mencius |
支持力理論 | bearing capacity theory |
意味の関係理論 | relational theory of meaning |
格理論 | case theory |
境界理論 | bounding theory |
言語学的観念論 | linguistic conceptualism |
言語学的実在論 | linguistic realism |
合理論 | rationalism |
コントロール理論 | control theory |
θ理論 | theta-theory |
GB理論 | government-binding theory, government and binding theory |
状況意味論 | situation semantics |
束縛理論 | binding theory |
談話表示構造理論 | discourse representation structure theory, DRS |
DRS理論 | discourse representation structure theory |
データタイプ理論 | data type theory |
道具論 | instrumentalism |
統率束縛理論 | government-binding theory |
統率理論 | government theory |
変形生成統語論 | transformational generative syntax |
論理形式 | logical form |
論理和 | disjunction, logical sum, logical add, OR operation |
映画評論家 | film critic, movie critic |
音楽評論家 | music critic |
音楽理論 | music theory, musical theory |
学習理論 | learning theory |
学術論文 | treatise, monograph, study, paper (scientific, technical) |
関数論 | theory of functions |
記念論文集 | collection of essays contributed in celebration of something, festschrift |
群論 | group theory, theory of groups |
形式論 | formalism |
形式論理 | formal logic |
経済原論 | principles of economics |
原子論 | atomic theory, atomism |
資本論 | Das Kapital, Capital |
政治評論家 | political commentator (journalist, columnist) |
整数論 | theory of numbers, number theory |
統語論 | syntax |
討論者 | debater |
理想論 | idealistic thought (argument) |