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核 : Nucleus
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Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 木 (75) |
Usage Rating: | 475 |
Unicode: | 06838 |
jis208: | 19-43 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
核 Usage examples
熱核反応 | thermonuclear reaction |
果核 | putamen |
核崩壊 | disintegration of a cell nucleus |
核防衛力 | nuclear defenses, nuclear defences |
神経核 | neuron |
熱原子核 | thermal nucleus |
核文法 | core grammar |
核廃棄物 | nuclear waste |
核分裂生成物 | fission product |
デオキシリボ核酸 | deoxyribo nucleic acid, DNA |
ベンゼン核 | benzene ring |
レーザー核融合 | laser nuclear fusion |
陰核 | penis |
花粉管核 | pollen tube nucleus |
開放性結核 | open tuberculosis |
核の冬 | nuclear winter |
核アレルギー | nuclear allergy, antipathy shown by the Japanese to nuclear weapons |
核クラブ | nuclear club |
核ミサイル | nuclear missile |
核移植 | nuclear transplantation |
核黄疸 | nuclear icterus |
核拡散防止条約 | Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty |
核型 | karyotype, caryotype |
核磁気共鳴 | nuclear magnetic resonance, NMR |
核磁子 | nuclear magneton |
核種 | nuclide |
核小体 | nucleolus |
核戦略 | nuclear strategy |
核戦力 | nuclear force |
核相 | nuclear phase |
核相交代 | alternation of nuclear phases |
核蛋白質 | nucleoprotein |
核燃料サイクル | nuclear fuel cycle |
核燃料再処理 | nuclear fuel reprocessing |
核廃絶 | total abolition of nuclear weapons |
核融合反応 | nuclear fusion |
核抑止論 | nuclear deterrent theory |
真核細胞 | eukaryotic cell |
原核細胞 | prokaryotic cell |
核兵器保有量 | nuclear arsenal |
核保有量 | nuclear stockpile |
使用済み核燃料 使用済核燃料 | spent nuclear fuel |
全面核戦争 | all-out nuclear war |
中核事業 | core business |
包括的核実験禁止条約 | Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, CTBT |
臨界前核実験 | subcritical nuclear experiment |
非核 | non-nuclear, anti-nuclear |
核保有国 | nuclear power, nuclear state |
核不拡散 | nuclear nonproliferation |
核問題 | nuclear issue, nuclear problem |
複合核 | compound nucleus |
リボ核酸 | ribonucleic acid, RNA |
天体核 | nuclear astrophysics |
ハイパー核 | hypernucleus |
複合核過程 | compound nuclear process |
核燃料化 | (nuclear fuel) enrichment |
核保有 | nuclear |
核廃棄 | abandoning nuclear weapons, etc., nuclear disposal |