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確 : Assurance
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assurance, firm, tight, hard, solid, confirm, clear, evident
たし.か たし.かめる
Strokes: | 15 |
Radical: | 石 (112) |
Usage Rating: | 252 |
Unicode: | 078ba |
jis208: | 19-46 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
確 Usage examples
確たる証拠 | certain evidence, definite evidence |
気は確かだ | sane |
真偽を確かめる | to make sure of the truth |
確かな事実 | established (certain) fact |
確かな筋 | reliable source |
要確認 | confirmation required |
バッファ確保失敗 | buffer (full) error (i.e. space cannot be reserved as it is full) |
未確認情報 | unconfirmed information |
確り者 | person of firm character, stable person, gutsy person |
確信犯 | premeditated crime, act carried out while knowing that it should not be |
確定的 | definite |
確定日付 | fixed date |
確定利付証券 | fixed interest-bearing securities |
確率分布 | probability distribution |
確定拠出年金 | defined contribution pension plan |
確乎不抜 | determined, steadfast, unswerving, unshakable |
正確無比 | unmatched (unparalleled) accuracy |
確認の上 | after checking, after verification |
未確認 | unconfirmed, unidentified |
確 | certain, definite |
確と | firmly, tightly, exactly |
当選確実 | projected to win, sure to be elected, home free |
資源確保 | securement of resources |
正確性 | accuracy |
相互確証破壊 | mutual assured destruction |
確たる | certain, definite, clear, credible |
確認者 | verifier, identifier, confirmor, confirming party |
売渡確認書 | sale confirmation |