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閣 : Tower
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tower, tall building, palace
Strokes: | 14 |
Radical: | 門 (169) |
Usage Rating: | 444 |
Unicode: | 095a3 |
jis208: | 19-53 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
閣 Usage examples
現内閣 | present cabinet |
山水閣 | Sansuikaku (restaurant name) |
新内閣 | new Cabinet |
議院内閣制 | parliamentary system of government |
神社仏閣 | (Shinto) shrines and (Buddhist) temples |
閣内相 | Cabinet ministers |
内閣官房 | Cabinet Secretariat |
内閣府 | Cabinet Office |
閣議決定 | cabinet decision |
暫定内閣 | caretaker government |
内閣改造 | cabinet reshuffle, cabinet shake-up |
内閣支持率 | cabinet support rate |
次の内閣 | shadow cabinet, opposition party executive |
閣僚会議 | cabinet meeting, meeting of ministers |
臨時閣議 | extraordinary meeting of the Cabinet |
定例閣議 | ordinary meeting of the Cabinet |
内閣法 | Cabinet Law |
内閣不信任案 | parliamentary motion of non-confidence against the cabinet |
安倍内閣 | Abe Cabinet (inaugurated as the Japanese government, 2006-09-26) |