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隔 : Isolate
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isolate, alternate, distance, separate, gulf
へだ.てる へだ.たる
Strokes: | 13 |
Radical: | 阜 (170) |
Usage Rating: | 1382 |
Unicode: | 09694 |
jis208: | 19-54 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
隔 Usage examples
懸け隔たる 懸隔たる | to be far apart, to be remote, to be quite different |
懸け隔てる 懸隔てる | to put distance between, to estrange |
隔月刊 | published bimonthly |
隔世の感がある 隔世の感が有る | to be poles apart |
隔膜法 | diaphragm process |
隔離説 | isolation theory |
隔離病舎 | isolation ward |
隔離命令 | isolation order |
人種隔離 | racial segregation, apartheid |
隔 | every other, second, alternate |