雪割り草 雪割草 | hepatica (Hepatica nobilis var. japonica), mealy primrose, liverwort |
割れ返る | to break completely, to (figuratively) bring the house down |
割り解す 割解す | to beat (e.g. egg), to whip (e.g. cream) |
打ち割る | to disclose |
口を割る | to confess, to speak out, to disclose, to tell |
原価を割って | below cost |
時間割りを直す | to alter the schedule |
時間を割く | to spare time (for) |
炭酸で割る | to dilute with soda |
薪割り 薪割 | wood-chopping, wood-splitting |
役を割り振る | to assign a role to an actor |
割興 | discount industrial bank bond |
割のいい | paying, remunerative, advantageous, profitable |
割れた卵 | broken egg |
意味役割 | semantic role |
割引価格 | reduced price |
割引切符 | reduced fare ticket, discount ticket |
割烹料理 | Japanese cooking |
団体割引 | group discount (rate, reduction) |
区割り | demarcation, marking of boundaries |
ラセミ分割 | resolution |
貝殻状割れ口 | conchoidal fracture |
割れ目噴火 | fissure eruption |
割引政策 | discount policy |
株式分割 | stock split |
割と 割りと | relatively, comparatively |
鏡割り 鏡割 | breaking open a ceremonial sake barrel |
第三者割当増資 | third-party allocation of shares |
符号分割多元接続 | code division multiple access, CDMA |
試し割り | breaking bricks, etc. |
早割 | discount for early booking |
本割り | regular matches in an official tournament |
股割り | extreme leg-stretching exercise to increase flexibility of the crotch |
割かし 割りかし | comparatively, quite, rather |
特割 | special discount |
特別割引 | special discount |
割ける | to be separated, to be divided |
縦割行政 縦割り行政 | vertically segmented administrative system, overcompartmentalized bureaucracy, system in which interministerial rivalry diminishes overall efficiency, (bureaucratic) sectionalism, interministerial rivalry, bureaucratic fiefdoms |
割鶏牛刀 | using a meat ax when a knife would suffice, taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut, using a grand-scale measure (a massive instrument) to deal with an insignificant problem |
役割分担 | division (distribution) of roles, role-sharing |
帯域割り当て 帯域割当 | bandwidth allocation |
三割自治 | the "thirty-percent autonomy" of local governments |
穎割れ大根 貝割れ大根 | (white) radish sprouts |
割れ鍋に綴じ蓋 割れ鍋に閉じ蓋 | there is a suitable spouse for everyone, every Jack has his Jill, a mended lid for a cracked pot |
割引率 | discount rate |
縫い代を割る | to stop an inside seam rolling about, to press open a seam (and open the left and right sides out) |
割り勘勝ち | "winner" of a meal paid for by dutch treat (i.e. the person who eats the most) |