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暗 : Darkness
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darkness, disappear, shade, informal, grow dark, be blinded
くら.い くら.む くれ.る
Strokes: | 13 |
Radical: | 日 (72) |
Usage Rating: | 1040 |
Unicode: | 06697 |
jis208: | 16-37 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
暗 Usage examples
立ち暗み 立暗み | dizziness (from standing up too fast), orthostatic syncope, lightheadedness, vertigo |
暗愚な人人 暗愚な人々 | dark souls |
暗殺を謀る | to plot an assassination |
暗い色 | dark color, dark colour |
暗い過去 | shadowy past, murky past |
暗い気持ちになる 暗い気持になる | to feel gloomy, to feel blue, to feel melancholy |
暗黙の主語 | understood subject |
暗ます | to deceive, to dissemble, to fool |
暗号帳 | codebook |
暗視装置 | night vision device |
暗視 | night vision |
暗点 | scotoma, scotomatous |
暗幕 | blackout curtain |
暗鬱 暗欝 暗うつ | gloom, melancholy |
冷暗所 | cool dark place |
暗渠排水 | underdrainage |
暗紅色 | dark red |
暗示療法 | suggestive therapy |
暗潮 | undercurrent |
暗む | to become dark, to be dizzied by, to be disoriented by |
盆暗 | blockhead, idiot, dimwit, mediocrity |
政治的暗殺 | political assassination |
暗雲低迷 | gathering dark clouds, being under the shadow of |
暗箱 暗函 | black box |
薄暗がり | semi-darkness, dusk, twilight, poor light |
暗送秋波 | giving an amorous sidelong look, casting an amorous glance (at), playing up to someone behind the scenes |
如法暗夜 | total (utter) darkness |
明暗両面 | (both) the bright and dark sides |
柳暗花明 | red-light district |
暗礁に乗り上げる | to be deadlocked, to strike a rock, to be stranded on a reef |
暗さ | darkness, gloom |
暗黙の了解 | tacit understanding, unspoken agreement |
暗黙知 | tacit knowledge (knowledge management terminology) |