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案 : Plan
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plan, suggestion, draft, ponder, fear, proposition, idea, expectation, worry, table, bench
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 木 (75) |
Usage Rating: | 206 |
Unicode: | 06848 |
jis208: | 16-38 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
案 Usage examples
立案者 | planner |
思案に暮れる | to be lost in thought |
案内書呈 | presentation of a guidebook |
案を立てる | to draft a proposal |
該案 | the said proposal |
几案 | desk |
具体案 | concrete proposal |
暫定案 | provisional plan |
増税案 | tax increase proposal |
営業案内 | business guide, catalogue |
最終案 | final program (programme, plan) |
発案者 | original proposer, originator, proponent, initiator |
素案 | draft, draught |
事案 | concern, circumstance which is becoming a problem, case (court) |
政策立案 | policy making |
政策立案者 | policy maker |
対決法案 | controversial legislation |
非常用対策案 | contingency plan |
重要案件 | important matter (for discussion (deliberations)) |
改案 | revision, modified plan |
死体検案書 | post-mortem certificate |
案内人 | (a) guide |
鼻先思案 | superficial (shortsighted) way of thinking, half-baked (foolish, ill-advised) idea |
喉元思案 | superficial (shortsighted) way of thinking, half-baked (foolish, ill-advised) idea |
案内役 | guide, host |
内閣不信任案 | parliamentary motion of non-confidence against the cabinet |
問責決議案 | censure motion |
法案提出権 | the right to submit a bill (draft law) to parliament |