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寒 : Cold
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 宀 (40) |
Usage Rating: | 1456 |
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寒 Usage examples
寒心すべき | deplorable, alarming |
寒の入り | beginning of midwinter |
寒鮒 | crucian carp caught in midwinter |
寒冷地 | cold district, northern district |
厳寒の候 | the coldest season (weather) |
冴寒 | extreme cold |
寒さに向かうと | as winter approaches |
亜寒帯気候 | subarctic climate |
寒 | midwinter, cold season, coldest days of the year |
寒紅梅 | winter plum tree with reddish blossoms |
寒帯気団 | polar air mass |
寒帯前線 | polar front |
寒帯前線ジェット気流 | polar front jet stream |
寒天培地 | nutrient agar |
寒冷高気圧 | cold anticyclon |
うそ寒い | somewhat cold, a bit chilly |
寒気凛々 寒気凛凛 | it (the weather) being piercing (bitterly) cold |
寒中見舞 寒中見舞い | winter greeting card |
酷寒猛暑 | bitter cold and fierce heat |
お寒い 御寒い | cold, chilly, inadequate |
寒々しい 寒寒しい | bleak, chilly, dreary |
一暴十寒 | strenuous efforts, unless sustained, are to no avail (Mencius) |
寒鯛 | scarbreast tuskfin (Choerodon azurio) |