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勘 : Intuition
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intuition, perception, check, compare, sixth sense
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 力 (19) |
Usage Rating: | 1494 |
Unicode: | 052d8 |
jis208: | 20-10 |
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勘 Usage examples
勘定を払う | to pay a bill |
勘のいい | quick on the uptake, perceptive, intuitive |
オープン勘定 | open account |
百舌勘定 | splitting the bill so that the others end up paying the whole amount, wheedling the others into paying the whole bill |
兵隊勘定 | Dutch treat, going Dutch |
算盤勘定 | counting on the abacus, cost-benefit (profitability) calculation |
損得勘定 | profit-and-loss arithmetic, calculating profit and loss, mercenary point of view |
星勘定 | counting "stars" to tally the score to date, how well something has gone (e.g. in terms of wins over losses) |
割り勘勝ち 割勘勝ち | "winner" of a meal paid for by dutch treat (i.e. the person who eats the most) |
割り勘負け 割勘負け | "loser" of a meal paid for by dutch treat (i.e. the person who eats the least) |
受取勘定 | accounts receivable |
売買一任勘定 | discrectionary account (in securities) |