警官隊 | (squad of) police, police force |
官女 | court lady |
官と民の協力 | cooperation between the private and public sectors |
官に就く | to enter the government service |
官窯 | governmental porcelain furnace |
官僚臭 | smack of the bureaucrat |
外交官補 | probationary diplomat |
行官庁 | Administrative Management Agency |
傘形器官 | bot umbraculum |
大使館付き武官 | military officer attached to embassy |
督学官 | school inspector |
罷官 | removal from office |
伶官 | court musician |
官製葉書 | official (government) postcard, postal card |
関係官庁 | government agencies concerned with ... |
痕跡器官 | vestigial (rudimentary) organ |
司令長官 | Commander-in-Chief, C-in-C |
通訳官 | official interpreter |
発声器官 | vocal organs |
補佐官 | aide |
一般官庁 | general government office |
栄養器官 | vegetative organ |
官員 | government official |
官営企業 | government enterprise |
官治 | direct administration by the government |
官署 | government office |
官撰 | government compilation |
官展 | exhibition sponsored by the government |
官能基 | functional group |
官能検査 | sensory evaluation |
官武 | civilian and military man |
官僚制 | bureaucracy |
内閣官房 | Cabinet Secretariat |
官 | government service, the bureaucracy |
大法官 | Lord Chancellor |
サイバー警官 | cybercop |
国連難民高等弁務官事務所 | Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR |
私服警官 | plainclothes police officer |
調査官 | examiner, investigator, inquisitor, agent |
無位無官 | (an ordinary citizen) having no special rank or title |
副長官 | deputy secretary (government), deputy director |
警察官職務執行法 | police execution of duties law |
入国審査官 | immigration officer, immigration investigation officials |
貪官汚吏 | corrupt government official |
官紀紊乱 | laxity in official discipline, civil service corruption |
官能小説 | erotic novel, amorous novel, pornographic novel |
官民格差 | disparity (of income, pensions, etc.) between public and private employees |
官僚主導 | initiative taken by bureaucrats in the drafting of government policies and bills (rather than by politicians) |
高位高官 | (person of) high rank and office (exalted station), persons in high positions |
灰色高官 | high official suspected of corruption |
文武百官 | all the officials, both military and civil |
審判官 | administrative law judge, appeal examiner (e.g. in patents) |
祭官 | official who arranges festival and rites |
務長官 | secretary (government) |
官寺 | state-sponsored temples, particularly those favored and protected by the shogunate during the Kamakura period |
裁判官弾劾裁判所 | Judge Impeachment Court |
裁判官訴追委員会 | Judge Indictment Committee |