性行為感染症 | sexually transmitted disease, sexually transmitted infection, STD, STI |
性感 | sexual feelings |
熱感 | feverish |
隔世の感がある 隔世の感が有る | to be poles apart |
感極まる 感きわまる | to be overcome with emotion |
感謝の印 | token of appreciation |
感謝の念 | feelings of gratitude |
感熱剤 | heat sensitizer, heat sensitiser |
感応作用 | induction |
対日感情 | feeling (sentiment) toward Japan |
引け目を感じる | to feel inferior, to feel small |
食感 | food texture, mouthfeel |
一体感 | (feeling of) identification, sense of unity |
解放感 開放感 | sense of liberation, feeling of freedom |
感光性 | photosensitivity |
感染経路 | infection route, source of infection |
感知装置 | smoke or heat sensor or detector |
義務感 | sense of duty (obligation) |
虚脱感 | despondency |
距離感 | sense of distance (physical or emotional), feeling of distance |
空間感覚 | sense of space |
幸福感 | feeling of happiness, sense of well-being, euphoria |
挫折感 | feeling of frustration, sense of failure |
重圧感 | feeling of oppression |
切迫感 | sense of urgency |
体感温度 | effective temperature, wind-chill index (factor) |
疲労感 | tired feeling |
満足感 | feeling of satisfaction |
霊感商法 | fraudulent way of business, cajoling people into buying articles for an extremely high price by claiming they will bring good luck |
力感 | power, force |
感 | feeling, sensation, emotion, admiration, impression |
スローウイルス感染症 | slow virus infection |
煙感知器 | smoke detector |
感圧ダイオード | pressure sensitive diode |
感覚細胞 | sensory cell |
感光材料 | sensitive material |
感光性樹脂 | photosensitive resin |
感色性 | color-sensitivity, colour-sensitivity |
感染源 | source of infection |
感熱紙 | heat-sensitive paper, thermal paper |
感覚過敏症 | hypersensitivity |
感情障害 | emotional disorder |
感染率 | infection rate |
急性感染症 | acute infection |
飛沫感染 | droplet infection |
感ける | to be too busy, to be occupied, to concentrate on single-mindedly |
感圧接着剤 | pressure-sensitive adhesive |
溶連菌感染症 | hemolytic streptococcal infection (haemolytic) |
感慨一入 | feeling the emotion all the more deeply |
恐懼感激 | being struck with awe, deeply moved with awe |
多情多感 | sentimental, being full of emotions, having tender sensibilities |
金銭感覚 | sense for (how to use) money, money sense |
国際感覚 | cosmopolitan (international) way of thinking, feeling for the wider world |
時勢感覚 | sense of the trend of the times, sensitivity to the changing times |
時世感覚 | sense of the the times, sensitivity to the times |
庶民感覚 | sensibilities (feelings, way of thinking) of the common people, popular sentiment |