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環 : Ring
↑ click kanji to animate ↑
ring, circle, link, wheel
Strokes: | 17 |
Radical: | 玉 (96) |
Usage Rating: | 409 |
Unicode: | 074b0 |
jis208: | 20-36 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
環 Usage examples
生活環 | life cycle |
環化 | cyclization, cyclisation |
環指 | ring finger |
循環性 | cyclicity |
非循環的 | acyclic |
環境基準 | environmental standard |
環境問題 | environmental problem (issue) |
自然環境 | natural (physical) environment |
循環系統 | circulatory system (blood, lymph, etc.) |
循環線 | loop line, belt line |
環形動物 | annelid |
円環体 | solid torus |
環境アセスメント | environmental impact assessment |
環境デザイン | environmental design |
環境衛生 | environmental hygiene |
環境権 | environment right |
環境保全 | environmental conservation |
環式炭化水素 | cyclic hydrocarbon |
環状星雲 | Ring Nebula |
環境省 | Ministry of the Environment |
バチ環 | clasp or ring for attaching a pendant to a chain |
環境ストレス | environmental stress |
環境スワップ | debt-for-nature swap |
環境ホルモン | hormone-disrupting chemicals |
環境悪化 | environmental degradation |
環境活動家 | environmental activist, environmentalist |
環境規制 | environmental regulation |
環境災害 | environmental disaster |
環境政策 | environmental policy |
環境大臣 | Minister for the Environment |
環境調査 | environmental research |
環境難民 | environmental refugee |
環境保護団体 | pro-environment group |
環境法 | environmental laws |
環境法規 | environmental laws |
環境問題専門家 | environmentalist |
環境理論 | ecological theory |
環境劣化 | environmental degradation |
極限環境 | extreme environment |
緊急時環境線量情報予測システム | System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information, SPEEDI |
経済環境 | economic environment |
国連環境計画 | United Nations Environment Programme (Program), UNEP |
左心補助循環装置 | left ventricular assist device, LVAD |
地球環境 | global environment |
住環境 | living environment, habitat |
環境設定 | configuration (e.g. of a computer or file), user preferences, system environment, environment setting |
三環系抗うつ剤 | tricyclic antidepressant |
三環系抗うつ薬 | tricyclic antidepressant |
循環器科 | cardiology |
循環型社会 | (material) recycling society, recycling-oriented society |
循環型社会形成推進基本法 | Act for Establishing a Recycling-Oriented Society |
苧環 | fan columbine (Aquilegia flabellata) |
環境整備 | environmental maintenance, environmental improvement |
可換環論 | commutative algebra |
高気圧環境 | hyperbaric environment |