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緩 : Slacken
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slacken, loosen, relax, lessen, be moderate, ease
ゆる.い ゆる.やか ゆる.む ゆる.める
Strokes: | 15 |
Radical: | 糸 (120) |
Usage Rating: | 933 |
Unicode: | 07de9 |
jis208: | 20-43 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
緩 Usage examples
緩衝弁 | cushion valve |
緩徐曲 | adagio |
速度を緩める | to ease up the speed |
手綱を緩める | to slack the reins |
腹が緩い | have loose bowels |
緩やかに進む | to proceed slowly |
規制緩和 | deregulation, removal (easing) of (official) restrictions, relaxation of regulations |
緩和振動 | relaxation oscillation |
筋弛緩剤 | muscle-relaxant drug |
金融緩和 | monetary easing |
量的緩和 | quantitative easing |
量的金融緩和 | quantitative easing |
緩急自在 | varying the tempo or speed (of something) at will |
悠々緩々 悠悠緩緩 | composed and unhurried, easygoing and leisurely, in indolence |
緩まる | to become loose, to slacken, to soften |
一旦緩急 | (when) danger threatens, should an emergency occur |
軍紀弛緩 | lack of (slackness in) military discipline, demoralization |
弛緩出血 | atonic hemorrhage, atonic haemorrhage |
緩手 | ineffective or wasted move (in Go or Shoji) |
緩和ケア | palliative care |
緩速 | slow speed |