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伊 : Italy
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Italy, that one
これ ただ よし いと だ
Strokes: | 6 |
Radical: | 人 (9) |
Usage Rating: | 703 |
Unicode: | 04f0a |
jis208: | 16-43 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
伊 Usage examples
駐伊 | stationed in Italy |
日伊辞典 | Japanese-Italian dictionary |
日独伊 | Japan, Germany and Italy |
伊達メガネ 伊達眼鏡 | glasses for show |
伊留満 | non-ordained Christian monk |
伊勢乞食 | beggars at Ise Grand Shrine (expression used to deride stingy people from Ise) |
伊呂波順 | iroha order, traditional ordering of Japanese syllabaries (based on a Buddhist poem) |
日独伊三国軍事同盟 | Tripartite Pact (between Japan, Germany and Italy in WWII) |
伊弉諾景気 | Izanagi economic boom (1965-70) of Japan |
伊予柑 | iyokan (species of citrus fruit, Citrus iyo) |
伊吹派 | Ibuki Faction (of the LDP) |
伊良 | scarbreast tuskfin (Choerodon azurio) |
伊呂波楓 | Japanese maple (Acer palmatum) |