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陥 : Collapse
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collapse, fall into, cave in, fall (castle), slide into
おちい.る おとしい.れる
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 阜 (170) |
Usage Rating: | 1154 |
Unicode: | 09665 |
jis208: | 20-57 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
陥 Usage examples
陥没湖 | lake formed in volcanic caldera |
欠陥車 | defective car, car with a (structural) defect |
欠陥商品 | defective merchandise |
誤りに陥る | to fall into error |
欠陥を補う | to make up for a fault |
困難に陥れる | to put (a person) in a fix |
罪に陥る | to slide into sin |
人を陥れる | to entrap a person |
格子欠陥 | lattice defect |
大関陥落 | demotion from ōzeki ranking |
欠陥品 | defective merchandise |
質欠陥の責任 | quality and defects liability |