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丸 : Round
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round, full (month), perfection, -ship, pills, make round, roll up, curl up, seduce, explain away
まる まる.める まる.い
Strokes: | 3 |
Radical: | 丶 (3) |
Usage Rating: | 542 |
Unicode: | 04e38 |
jis208: | 20-61 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
丸 Usage examples
言い丸める 言丸める | to do sweet-talk |
一丸となって | in unison, as one, united |
丸く治まる 丸く収まる 丸くおさまる | to settle peacefully, to work out peacefully, to come to an amicable solution, to become reconciled |
丸くなって | in a circle (ring) |
丸で成ってない | not good at all |
丸のまま 丸の侭 | in its entirety, whole |
丸々と太った 丸丸と太った | rotund, plump, chubby |
丸焼けになった | completely burned |
丸を付ける | to mark a correct answer with a circle |
雪を丸める | to make a snowball |
丸一日 | the whole day, all the day |
丸一週間 | the whole week, all the week |
丸一月 | the whole month, all the month |
丸一ヶ月 丸一ケ月 | the whole month, all the month |
丸一年 | the whole year, all the year |
弾丸列車 | very fast train, bullet train |
二重丸 | double circle |
丸屋根 | dome, vaulted roof, cupola |
丸のこ 丸鋸 | circular saw, buzz saw |
御丸 お丸 | bedpan, chamber pot, potty |
丸覚え | full memorization, full memorisation |
丸きり 丸切り | completely, perfectly, totally, just as if |
丸一晩 | whole night, all night |
丸網機 | circular knitting machine |
丸まる | to become rounded, to roll into a ball |
弾丸飛雨 | hail of bullets, heavy bombardment |
丸裸にする | to strip a person of all his or her clothes |
正露丸 征露丸 | seirogan, beechwood extract popular as a herbal treatment for diarrhoea (diarrhea), etc. |
丸葉青だも | Japanese flowering ash (Fraxinus sieboldiana) |
丸行灯 | cylindrical paper lantern |
日の丸弁当 | hinomaru bento (contains plain white rice with a single red umeboshi on top) |
丸投げ | wholesale delegation, hundred-percent subcontracting, leaving all the decision-making to somebody else |
打って一丸となる | to be united, to act as a single body |
面目丸つぶれ 面目丸潰れ | complete loss of face |
日の丸の旗 | flag having a red circle on a white background (esp. the Japanese national flag) |
丸穴 | round hole |