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位 : Rank
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rank, grade, throne, crown, about, some
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 人 (9) |
Usage Rating: | 276 |
Unicode: | 04f4d |
jis208: | 16-44 |
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位 Usage examples
変位電流 | displacement current |
風位 | wind direction |
位置を変える | to change the position of |
上の地位 | higher position |
学位を授ける | to award a degree |
機位 | position of aircraft |
位が昇る | to rise in rank |
位の高い | high-ranking, senior |
位を下す | to degrade, to lower in rank |
乾位 | northwest |
尸位素餐 | neglecting the duties of an office while taking pay |
正三位 | senior grade of the third court rank |
磁方位 | magnetic bearing |
従三位 | second grade of the third rank of honor (honour) |
先祖の位牌 | ancestral tablet |
単位元 | unit element |
単位を落とす | fail to make the grade |
地位を得る 地位を獲る | to acquire a position, to hold an appointment |
品位 | grace, dignity, grade, nobility, quality |
賓位語 | logic predicate |
羅方位 | compass bearing |
単位体積重量 | unit weight |
変位制御 | displacement controlled |
下位範疇化 | subcategorization, subcategorisation |
下位範疇化原理 | subcategorization principle, subcategorisation principle |
下位範疇化素性 | subcategorization feature, subcategorisation feature |
項位置 | argument position |
等位構造 | coordinate structure |
位相速度 | phase velocity |
首位攻防戦 | game or series of games between the first and second place teams |
位相差 | phase contrast |
虚数単位 | imaginary unit |
自己本位 | self-centeredness, self-centredness, selfishness, egotism, egoism |
上位概念 | high level concept, superordinate concept, broader term |
正常位 | normal position (posture), missionary position |
五位鷺 | black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax), night heron |
段位 | dan, grade (of black belt) |
エネルギー準位 | energy level |
ゼロ位法 | zero method |
位相語 | parole |
位相差顕微鏡 | phase-contrast microscope |
位相写像 | topological mapping |
位相配列レーダー | phased-array radar |
位相変調 | PM, phase modulation |
位置エネルギー | potential energy |
位置ベクトル | position vector |
位置天文学 | position astronomy |
高品位テレビ | high-definition television, HDTV |
職位 | employment position or rank |
部単位 | collating (printing) |
上位五番 | last five matches of makushita division wrestlers |
幕下上位 | 30 highest ranked makushita wrestlers |
無位無官 | (an ordinary citizen) having no special rank or title |
高位高官 | (person of) high rank and office (exalted station), persons in high positions |
自家本位 | self-centeredness, selfishness, egoism, egotism, egocentricity |
実用本位 | pragmatism, functionalism, practicality, being intended for practical purposes |