ながし眼 | flirtatious glance |
流行眼 | conjunctivitis, pink eye, epidemic keratoconjunctivitis |
風眼 | gonorrheal ophthalmia |
台風の眼 | eye of a typhoon |
眼を付ける 眼をつける | to stare at |
度の強い眼鏡 | powerful spectacles, strong glasses |
眼が冴える 眼がさえる | to be wide-awake, to be wakeful, to be unable to sleep |
眼が据わる | to have glazed eyes (when drunk, angry, etc.), to have glassy eyes |
眼鏡を掛ける 眼鏡をかける | to wear glasses, to put on glasses |
眼が悪い | have bad eyesight |
胡孫眼 | polypore (bracket fungus, esp. of family Polyporaceae) |
一眼レフカメラ | single lens reflex camera |
外套眼 | mantle eye |
眼光紙背 | reading between the lines |
眼光炯々 眼光炯炯 | having piercing eyes, eagle-eyed, having a penetrating insight (into) |
紅毛碧眼 | red-haired and blue-eyed (person), a Westerner |
酔眼朦朧 酔眼もうろう | with drunken eyes, dazed by wine |
着眼大局 | having an eye to the big picture, being aware of the general situation |
開眼供養 | ceremony to consecrate a newly made Buddhist statue or image by inserting the eyes (thereby investing it with soul) |
伊達眼鏡 | glasses for show |
媚眼秋波 | casting a coquettish (an amorous) glance (at a man) |
碧眼紅毛 | blue eyes and red hair, Westerner |
眼元千両 | beautiful eyes, bright-eyed |
眼福 | a sight for sore eyes, seeing something beautiful or precious |
ロイド眼鏡 | round glasses with thick plastic rims |
お眼鏡 御眼鏡 | (your) judgment, discernment |
動眼神経 | oculomotor nerve |
近視眼的 | myopic, short-sighted |
眼に見える | clear, distinct, apparent |
皮膚粘膜眼症候群 | Stevens-Johnson syndrome |
金眼 | splendid alfonsino (Beryx splendens) |
青眼 | a Westerner |
眼が覚める | to awaken, to perk up, to snap out (of something) |
眼を白黒させる 眼をしろくろさせる | to be surprised, to be bewildered, to be confused, to be flustered |