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頑 : Stubborn
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stubborn, foolish, firmly
Strokes: | 13 |
Radical: | 頁 (181) |
Usage Rating: | 1247 |
Unicode: | 09811 |
jis208: | 20-72 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
頑 Usage examples
頑張って | do your best, go for it, hold on, keep at it |
頑固一徹 | stubborn, obstinate |
頑迷固陋 | obstinate, stubborn, hard-headed, being incapable of making sound judgments because of a narrow, inflexible and obstinate mentality |
強情頑固 | headstrong, obstinate, bullheaded |
頑健無比 | being of very robust health |
頑固親父 | stubborn (obstinate) father, pig-headed old man |
固陋頑迷 | obstinate, stubborn, hard-headed, being incapable of making sound judgments because of a narrow, inflexible and obstinate mentality |
頑張り屋 | someone who battles on in difficult circumstances |
頑冥不霊 | stubborn and ignorant |
もうひと頑張り もう一頑張り | an extra effort, going the extra mile, one final push |