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企 : Undertake
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undertake, scheme, design, attempt, plan
くわだ.てる たくら.む
Strokes: | 6 |
Radical: | 人 (9) |
Usage Rating: | 278 |
Unicode: | 04f01 |
jis208: | 20-75 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
企 Usage examples
企業内組合 | enterprise union, company union, in-house union |
企業年金 | company pension |
企業合併 | merger |
企業別組合 | enterprise union, company union, in-house union |
企業秘密 | company or industrial secret, trade secret |
企業間信用 | inter-business credit |
陰謀を企てる | to plot against |
企画課 | planning section |
企画性 | ability to make plans |
企業内教育 | corporate in-service training |
会社企業 | corporation |
官営企業 | government enterprise |
企業イメージ | corporate image |
企業会計 | corporate accounting |
企業会計原則 | corporate accounting principles |
企業危機管理 | corporate risk management |
企業業績 | corporate earnings, corporate performance |
企業行動 | corporate activity |
企業債務 | corporate debt |
企業在庫 | business inventory |
企業収益 | corporate earnings, corporate profits |
企業責任 | corporate responsibility |
企業倒産 | corporate bankruptcy |
企業投資 | corporate spending |
企業年金制度 | corporate pension plan |
企業犯罪 | corporate crime |
企業風土 | corporate culture |
急成長企業 | rapidly growing company |
巨大企業 | corporate giant |
巨大複合企業 | large conglomerate, large group of related companies |
共同企業体 | joint venture, consortium, JV |
公企業 | public corporation |
合併企業 | merged company |
国有企業 | state-owned enterprise, SOE |
新興企業 | start-up company |
敵対的企業買収 | hostile buyout |
倒産企業 | bankrupt company |
企画部 | planning department |
企業トップ | senior executives, corporate management |
小企業 | small business, small company |
ベンチャー企業 | start-up company, venture business |
企業統治 | corporate governance |
郷鎮企業 | township and village enterprise in China |
企業買収 | corporate acquisition (buyout) |
日本企業 | Japanese company (business, firm) |
中堅企業 | medium-sized enterprise (business, firm) |
企業の社会的責任 | corporate social responsibility, CSR |