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危 : Dangerous
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dangerous, fear, uneasy
あぶ.ない あや.うい あや.ぶむ
Strokes: | 6 |
Radical: | 卩 (26) |
Usage Rating: | 606 |
Unicode: | 05371 |
jis208: | 20-77 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
危 Usage examples
危険極まる | extremely dangerous |
危険を冒す | to brave (defy) a danger |
石油危機 | oil crisis |
企業危機管理 | corporate risk management |
危機管理委員会 | crisis committee |
危篤状態 | critical condition |
金融危機 | financial crisis |
経済危機 | economic crisis |
信用危機 | credit crunch |
政治危機 | political crisis |
政治的危機 | political crisis |
絶滅危惧種 | endangered species |
電力危機 | power crisis |
危なく | nearly, almost, on the point of (doing) |
危険日 | dangerous day (one on which conception is likely to occur) |
危機を脱する | to escape danger |
危ない橋を渡る | to tread on thin ice, to go out on a limb, to walk a tightrope, to take risks, to cross a dangerous bridge |
危険運転致死罪 | vehicular manslaughter |
気象危機 | climate crisis |