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機 : Loom
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loom, mechanism, machine, airplane, opportunity, potency, efficacy, occasion
Strokes: | 16 |
Radical: | 木 (75) |
Usage Rating: | 127 |
Unicode: | 06a5f |
jis208: | 21-01 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
機 Usage examples
警報機 | alarm (fire, burglar, etc.), sensor |
軽爆撃機 | light bomber |
天皇機関説 | theory of the Emperor as an organ of government |
立法機関 | legislature, legislative body |
諜報機関 | intelligence agency, secret service |
短距離離着陸機 | plane able to make short takeoffs and landings |
早期警戒機 | airborne early-warning system, AWACS |
滑空機 | sailplane, glider |
滑翔機 | glider, sailplane |
機位 | position of aircraft |
機械を扱う | to handle a tool, to work a machine |
機会を逃す | to miss a chance, to miss an opportunity |
機関座 | seat of an engine |
機が熟すのを待つ | to wait for a ripe moment |
機嫌を損ねる | to displease, to offend |
機に乗じる | to take advantage of an opportunity |
機を見るに敏なり | being quick at seizing an opportunity |
研米機 | rice polisher |
好機を逃す | to let an opportunity slip |
ご機嫌麗しい 御機嫌麗しい | in good humor (humour) |
ご機嫌斜め ご機嫌ななめ 御機嫌斜め | in a bad temper, cranky, crabby |
砕岩機 | rock crusher |
整経機 | warping machine |
繰糸機 | silk reeling machine |
梳綿機 | carding machine |
手機 | handloom |
投機熱 | speculation fever |
舶用機関 | marine engine |
分相機 | phase splitter |
編組機械 | knitting machinery |
溝掘り機 | ditching machine |
揚炭機 | coal hoist, coal unloader |
三軸圧縮試験機 | triaxial compression apparatus |
試験機 | testing apparatus |
励磁機 | exciter |
機能単一化文法 | functional unification grammar, FUG |
言語機能 | language faculty |
語彙機能文法 | lexical-functional grammar, LFG |
機械科 | course in (of) mechanical engineering |
機関室 | engine room |
機関長 | chief engineer |
機関投資家 | institutional investor |
機能主義 | functionalism |
機密事項 | confidential matters |
議決機関 | legislative organ |
建設機械 | construction machinery |
研磨機 | grinder, grinding machine, polisher |
自動改札機 | automatic turnstile (ticket gate) |
自動翻訳機 | automatic translation machine |
政府機関 | government body, government agency |
石油危機 | oil crisis |
短波受信機 | short-wave receiver |
読み取り機 読取機 読取り機 | (computer) reader, reading device |
模型飛行機 | model plane |
輸送機関 | (means of) transport |