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帰 : Homecoming
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homecoming, arrive at, lead to, result in
かえ.る かえ.す おく.る とつ.ぐ
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 刂 (18) |
Usage Rating: | 504 |
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帰 Usage examples
逃げ帰る | to scurry home, to run home, to fly back |
帰って来る 帰ってくる | to return, to come back |
帰れ | Go home, Get out |
帰国の途に就く | to leave for home |
土に帰る | to die |
不帰の客 | deceased person |
帰国セール | sayonara sale |
帰属意識 | (a feeling of) identification (with), sense of belonging |
一時帰休制 | layoff system |
烏有に帰す | to be burned to ashes, to come to nothing |
回帰分析 | regression analysis |
日帰り手術 | day surgery, day procedure |
末尾再帰 | tail recursion |
直帰 | returning home directly |
永劫回帰 | eternal recurrence, eternal return |
戦列復帰 | return to the battle line, come back to the game (on to the field), a comeback |
和食回帰 | revival of Japanese food |
帰りしな | on the way back, on the way home |
連れ帰る つれ帰る | to bring (someone) back home, to take (someone) back home |
帰り着く | to arrive home, to return |
帰する | to attribute, to blame |
帰米 | term used to refer to Japanese-American children (nisei) who were sent by their parents to Japan before WW2 to receive their schooling |
ただいま帰りました 只今帰りました ただ今帰りました | Here I am |
超限帰納法 | transfinite induction |
帰巣 | homing (instinct) |
帰謬法 | reductio ad absurdum |
東方帰一教会 | Uniate (term for Eastern Rite Catholicism), Uniat |
帰天 | death of a Christian (in Catholicism) |
帰省ラッシュ | holiday traffic congestion caused by people travelling to their hometowns en masse |
回帰モデル | regression model |
日帰り旅行 | day trip |
再帰動詞 | reflexive verb |
帰島 | to return to an island |