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気 : Spirit
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spirit, mind, air, atmosphere, mood
Strokes: | 6 |
Radical: | 气 (84) |
Usage Rating: | 113 |
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気 Usage examples
熱気 | feverish |
熱帯低気圧 | tropical cyclone |
職人気質 | spirit of a true artisan |
雲気 | type of strange mist appearing in the sky, used for divination, look of the sky, movement of clouds |
天気概況 | general weather conditions |
嫌気生物 | anaerobe |
好天気 | fine weather |
好い気 いい気 | easygoing, optimistic, conceited |
いい気味 好い気味 | it serves you (him) right |
好気性生物 | aerobe |
好気性細菌 | aerobic bacteria |
腰気 | leukorrhoea, leucorrhoea, leukorrhea, leucorrhea, mucous discharge from female genitals |
風邪気味 | slight cold, bit of a cold, touch of a cold, lingering cold |
産気付く 産気づく | to go into labor, to go into labour |
殺気立つ 殺気だつ | to be seething (with anger), to be frenzied, to be menacing, to be murderous |
気色ばむ | to grow angry |
気取る | to suspect, to sense |
気負い立つ | to rouse oneself, to psyche oneself up |
気張る | to strain or exert oneself, to go all out |
意気が揚がる | to be in high spirits |
意気盛ん | in high spirits |
異な気分 | queer feeling |
恨めし気に | reproachfully |
惜し気無く 惜し気なく | generously, unsparingly, lavishly |
飾り気のない 飾り気の無い | plain, unaffected |
風邪の気 | signs of a cold |
悲し気 哀し気 | seeming sad |
気合いを掛ける 気合いをかける | to cheer on, to raise a shout |
気が向かない | not inclined (to do), reluctant, unwilling |
鬼気迫る | to be bloodcurdling, to be ghastly |
気勢を削ぐ 気勢を殺ぐ | to diminish (dampen) the spirit |
気取り屋 | snob, affected person |
気の詰まる | constrained, ill at ease |
気乗りしない | indisposed, halfhearted |
気は確かだ | sane |
気分が弾む | to cheer up |
気分が良い 気分がよい | feel good (pleasant) |
気を腐らす | to have the blues, to be depressed |
気を静める | to compose oneself |
暗い気持ちになる 暗い気持になる | to feel gloomy, to feel blue, to feel melancholy |
気圧される 気押される | to be overawed, to be overpowered, to lose the mental battle |