震災記念日 | anniversary of the Great Kanto earthquake |
旅日記 | travel diary |
思い出の記 | keepsake (not from a dead person) |
記号で表す | to represent by signs |
記録に載せる | to put on record |
記録を破る | to break the record, to break a record |
古事記伝 | Commentary on the Kojiki (by Motoori Norinaga, 1798) |
獄中記 | diary written in prison |
史記抄 | commentary on Shiki |
書記補 | assistant clerk |
登記番号欄 | registry number column |
登記簿 | register |
筆記具 | writing materials |
風土記 | description of regional climate, culture, etc. |
記念写真 | commemorative photograph, souvenir photograph |
記述的妥当性 | descriptive adequacy |
記号トークン | sign token |
構造記述 | structural description |
集合記述 | set description |
仮登記 | provisional registration |
開校記念日 | anniversary of the founding of the school |
記憶喪失 | loss of memory, amnesia |
記載事項 | items mentioned |
記念樹 | memorial tree |
記念出版 | commemorative publication |
記念論文集 | collection of essays contributed in celebration of something, festschrift |
最高記録 | best (highest) record, new record |
死亡記事 | obituary notice |
新聞記事 | newspaper story (article, account) |
世界記録 | world record, establishing a world record (in) |
量記号 | quantifier |
訴訟記録 | record (of legal proceedings in a court) |
世界記録保持者 | world record holder |
逮捕記録 | arrest record |
犯罪記録 | criminal record |
頭記 | abovementioned item, description at beginning of (this) text or document |
首記 | abovementioned item, description at beginning of (this) text or document |
礼記 | the Li Ji or Book of Rites - one of the Five Classics |
博聞強記 | widely-read with a remarkable retentive memory |
特種記者 | scoop reporter, scoop artist |
捏造記事 | fabricated story, cooked up (news) report |
六号記事 | (space) filler, fill-in (in magazines, newspapers, etc.) |
総記 | general description, exhaustive listing |
ひらがな表記 平仮名表記 | representation in hiragana, hiragana notation |
記念誌 | commemorative publication |
郵便記号 | (Japanese) postal symbol |
人事記録 | personnel record |
記者室 | press room, press gallery |
総書記 | secretary-general |
請求記号 | call number (e.g. of a book in a library) |
記録面 | recording surface (e.g. of CD, tape, etc.) |
記する | to remember, to note |
日本新記録 | new Japanese record |
回想記 | memoir |
記録保管所 | archive |