起ち居 起居 | movements, sitting and standing |
起ち居振る舞い 起ち居振舞い 起居振舞 | movements, behavior, behaviour, bearing, deportment, manners, demeanor |
振り起こす 振り起す 振起こす 振起す | to stir up, to stimulate |
掻き起こす | to stir up |
起こり 起り 起 | source, origin, cause, beginning, genesis |
会社を起こす | to set up a company |
書き起こす | to begin (start) writing |
事を起こす ことを起こす | to cause trouble, to cause a disturbance |
刺状突起 | prickle (of plants) |
種の起原 | On the Origin of Species (Charles Darwin, 1859), The Origin of Species |
喘息が起こる | to have an attack of asthma |
扶け起こす | to help a person to his (her) feet |
畑を起こす | to plow a field, to plough a field |
乱を起こす | to rise in rebellion |
共起 | cooccurrence |
烏口突起 | coracoid process |
起票 | issue of a voucher |
海馬状隆起 | hippocampus |
起業家精神 | entrepreneurial spirit |
勃起障害 | erectile dysfunction, ED |
剣状突起 | xiphoid process, ensiform cartilage |
起震車 | earthquake simulation vehicle |
問題提起 | raising a question, posing a problem, setting a hare running |
起居動作 | behavior, bearing, demeanor |
起き出す | to get out of bed, to show a leg |
起居挙動 | behavior, bearing, deportment, manners, demeanor |
再起不能 | being beyond recovery, having no hope of recovery |
奮起一番 | bracing oneself up to action, being inspired by something, getting down to work, putting heart and soul into it, tackling (a job) with gusto |
早寝早起き | early to bed early to rise |
縁起の悪い | ominous, ill-omened, sinister |
村起こし | revitalization of a village, village renewal (project) |
町起こし | revitalization of a town, town renewal (project) |
起こし | development, revitalization |
縁起でもない | unlucky |
縁起を担ぐ 縁起をかつぐ | to be superstitious, to believe in omens |
癇癪を起こす かんしゃくを起こす | to throw a tantrum |
早起きは三文の徳 早起きは三文の得 | the early bird gets the worm |
起業家 | entrepreneur, person who starts a new business |