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威 : Intimidate
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intimidate, dignity, majesty, menace, threaten
おど.す おど.し おど.かす
いさ たけ たけし
Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 女 (38) |
Usage Rating: | 1103 |
Unicode: | 05a01 |
jis208: | 16-50 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
威 Usage examples
鳥威し | scarecrow |
威あって猛からず 威有って猛からず | dignified without being overbearing, being dignified, and moreover warm, as such one is gentle |
威張り腐る | to be puffed up |
威を振るう | to exercise authority |
軍事的脅威 | military threat |
権威主義政府 | authoritarian government |
鹿威し | water-filled bamboo tube which clacks against a stone when emptied, device for scaring birds from gardens |
威迫 | menace, threat, intimidation |
威風凛々 威風凛凛 | awe-inspiring, majestic, commanding, stately, with an imposing air, in a stately (dignified) manner |
国威発揚 | enhancing national prestige, expanding national influence |